The New Moon, Mercury Retrograde, & Hybrid Solar Eclipse 4.20.2023

Today starts the New Moon and Hybrid Solar Eclipse - last month the new moon was in Aries and from what I've been reading the new moon is in Aries again due to this unique Hybrid Eclipse that has also come at the end of Ramadan.
The Mercy Retrograde begins tomorrow and continues until May 14th and is in Taurus.  However, Pluto is Retrograding in Aquarius and Capricorn since May 2nd and ends in June 2nd.
What does this mean?  If Taurus, Aquarius or Capricorn is in your chart, pay attention as these signs will be most impacted.   Areas of particular attention is money, career and relationships.  You may also experience some problems with communication (to include technology) and travel. 
Leverage this new moon, to set clear and helpful intentions to combat the shadow sides or impact of the energies currently in motion at once.  This technically is the season of Spring Equinox so it's the beginning of a new year - so this is a great time to reset although Lent has come and gone.  Consider a fast as a means to come into a place of solitude and gratitude as you discern and decipher what is really going on and how to access  points of personal healing and rejuvenation.  
One more thing...increase your Self Care! It is uber important and necessary.  
Consider some grounding crystals like clear crystal quartz, tigers eye, hematite, or black obsidian in your meditation and workings.
Okay, I am done for yall!!
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